Generation Unlimited – Youth Challenge

Budaörsi Tanoda – Romano Glaszo

The team members have been playing music together since they were children, and as part of their “Folk Music and Folk Dance Against Racism and Exclusion” project, they organize conversations and sensitization trainings with games, joint music to help fight xenophobia, get to know and accept each other. They offer their trainings not only to schools, but also take part in events organized by local governments and are happy to go to institutions and companies alike.

Generation Unlimited – Youth Challenge

The Generation Unlimited Youth Challenge calls on young innovators to design solutions to improve education, employment and civic engagement. It aims to inspire young people with brilliant ideas, but without the resources to bring them to life. This includes 14-24 years old young people, those who face daily discrimination due to their ethnicity, their gender or their disability and those who are disadvantaged by poverty. Launched in September 2018, Youth Challenge 2.0 takes place in 40 countries worldwide in 2019/20.


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